Water Reclamation

The City's Water Utilities Department provides water reclamation (wastewater treatment) services to Fort Smith residents and businesses. It is comprised of the following programs: Water Reclamation, Water Reclamation Line Maintenance, Environmental Quality, Utility Engineering, and Easement, Building, and Station Maintenance.

Some of the original sewer infrastructure was established in the City as early as the 1800s. Two wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) were constructed in 1966, P Street and Massard. Both treatment plants have undergone several updates through the years. The Massard WWTP was updated in 1986, 1998, and 2001. The P Street plant received improvements in 1978, 1986, 1998, 2001, and 2008. The Utility Department is currently improving its sewer infrastructure throughout the city to meet federal regulations.

Today, our wastewater programs are responsible for over 500 miles of wastewater collection lines, two treatment plants, 23 lift stations, and treating over 5.5 billion gallons of wastewater per year. The program also monitors industries and food service establishments for environmental compliance.